Monday, May 01, 2006


So Many questions and not enough answers?

Mercury (thimerosal) is being used in our childrens vaccinations.
It is a preservative used so it has a longer shelf life. Sounds to me although the Governments are aware of the dangers and continue to boo hoo the statistics they keep on using this preservative to save money. The longer the shelf life the less wastage saving them millions!

There seems to be more and more proof that vaccinations containing mercury is causing Autism in children with a pre-disposition like leaky gut which Jordan was diagnosed with after he was diagnosed with Autism.

There are questions about MMR causing Autism though the funny thing I found during my researching was the MMR shot didn't contain Mercury. So how can this be the cause of Autism? especially when it was given to a child when they turned one and they seemed ok until they turn 16-18 months then suddenly, they start showing signs of Autism. I once red a UK study that they decided to split the MMR into seperate shots and funny enough the amount of children being diagnosed with Autism dropped dramatically?

My theory is when a child with leaky gut syndrome has their vaccinations, after each one mercury leaks through the walls of the gut into the brain causing a build up of mercury which these children cannot seem too excrete out of their system.
I believe the combination of the MMR which contains the Measles, Mumps and Rubella Virus leaks through the walls of the gut into the brain, and when you think about the possible complications that can arise with Measles like brain damage it is not hard to realise that over time all the combinations of different vaccinations containing these ingredients is the cause of Autism in children with a predisposition.

I believe this is the case with our son Jordan.

Jordans Cycle of decline started with constant diarrehoea, a weak immune system maybe triggered from triple antigen vaccine (MMR) which not long after his shot of MMR he suffered from seizures and was placed under hospital observation where they could not find out why he had the seizures, I remember telling the Dr that Jordan had his MMR recently and asked him if the MMR shot was the possible cause and told NO! Over time he was constantly given antibiotics for frequent illnesses such as recurrent ear infections.

The antibiotics harm the healthy bowel flora leading to an overgrowth of candida (yeast), predisposing the child to develop a leaky gut.

As the gut cannot digest certain proteins, especially gluten (from wheat) and casein (from dairy). they enter the bloodstream malabsorbed, affecting the brain function & behaviour. I myself have suffered from gastro and bowel problems like IBS (irritable bowel syndrome). As a child myself i always suffered from constant ear infections, always having to take antiobiotics. I also suffered from eczema. Who knows, is this why Jordan had a predisposition to Autism?

Jordan's language skills he had acquired disappeared and suddenly became very noticably anti-social, the suffering from skin allergies such as Eczema & Dermatitis also became apparent.

When Jordan was diagnosed the Paedtrician who diagnosed Jordan at the time ordered blood tests which came back showing no mercury but high levels of Lead.

We were at a loss of how he had lead in his system. My father who is a painter gave us a home kit to test for lead, he tested things like pots & pans, his cot that he had chewed on which we found was negative. I started researching on lead and symptoms of lead poisioning and learnt that vaccinations contain lead which opened up a new can of worms.

Soon after we went and saw a new Dr who was a Holistic Paedtrician and specialises in Autism. He ordered a series of tests like pooh stool samples and blood tests which was sent off to the states as Australia's technology is not as thorough with their testing. His results showed leaky gut syndrome, intolerance to wheat, dairy(casein) which some vaccinations contain, gluten and yeast. He had low levels of Zinc, also his copper ratio being higher than normal. He then started Jordan on treatments such as Probiotics (e.g acidophilus for healthy gut flora), anti fungal medicine to attack yeast overgrowth, essential fatty acids, vitamins such as B6, magnesium & Zinc along with a dairy & gluten free diet. Be prepared these treatments can be expensive.

When we started these treatments his Autism got worse then started to get better. After 3 months of these treatments along with diet intervention, his diarrehoea stopped completely, his immune system seem to repair itself and he no longer seemed to get seriously ill after catching a simple cold. We then started Jordan on Melatonin to help him sleep at night as he always seemed to wake up during the night with what i called night terrors. The melatonin did wonders for his overall behaviour and day to day functioning. This is probaly due to the fact he was getting a better full nights sleep. His language picked up within 3 months after, from being totally non verbal to talking actual sentences.

He seemed to understand more instructions, his eye contact picked up and his communication skills just seemed to get a whole lot better.

Another interesting fact about Mercury poisioning, my best friend Kirrily (yes she has the same name as mine) was diagnosed with Mercury Poisioning in roughly 1992 at age 22 which she later found out it was from eating the fish she frequently caught in a river that surrounded the BHP Steel Works. Over time she started to get constantly sick, fatigued, suffered constant dirraheoa, skin problems like, eczema and dermatitis, reflux, debilitating muscles aches, joint pain and lost a lot of weight which she didnt need to loose. Kirrily found she couldn't eat the same foods anymore, her diet became bland because everything made her reflux worse, couldn't tolerate eating meat anymore, certain vegetables and fruit. She then not long after had to quit University as she was struggling with concentration. Kirrily went from a healthy, intelligent, sports loving and happy person to someone you barely knew anymore. Her mood swings were constantly up and down. One minute she would go into laughing fits for ages then would sit in a room staring into space. You would talk to her and she would be non responsive. (sounds like a autistic child doesn't it) She became depressed and suicidal because all the years of suffering with no answers except Dr's telling her she was suffering from anorexia, had taken its toll on her mind, body and spirit.

Her periods stopped altogether and it was roughly 18 months ago at the age of 33 they came back regular again after having a Laproscopy even though nothing was found out of the ordinary.

Kirrily then went from Dr to Dr looking for answers. Blood tests never revealed anything only having high white cell counts due to infection and was prescribed antiobiotics over and over which never did a thing. They ignored the reflux problem instead of ordering tests for a endoscopy. Kirrily not long after moved to QLD (Australia) and the age of 24 she met this Dr who was a professor who took her symptoms seriously. He ordered a hair analysis, endoscopys and the findings were a god send because this was the start of her long road to recovery. He diagnosed her with Chronic Fatigue, the endoscopy showed after all the years of suffering reflux it had eaten away at her digestive tract, he was horrified at the findings and couldn't believe no Dr in Sydney picked this up and had treated it earlier, had it been treated earlier the irreversable damages could have been prevented. This was one of the reasons for her weight loss.

Her hair analysis came back with shocking results, the mercury levels in her body went off the graph along with lead and other toxic metals found in her body. She was ridicously depleted of essential vitamins and minerals. He then immediately started her on a long road of Chelation to rid these toxins out of her body. Kirrily came back to Sydney to recover at her mums, while travelling back & forth to QLD for treatment.

After her chelation was finished, it was not the end of all her problems. The Mercury had done so much irreversable damage to her immune system that she still suffered from Chronic Fatigue for years after. Her overall health declined. The Dr who was treating her put her in contact with another Dr in sydney who carried on with more tests.

A muscle biopsy diagnosed her with Fibromyalgia which is a chronic pain syndrome. People with fibromyalgia commonly experience burning or aching pain through various musculoskeletal regions throughout their body, including joints. Neuromuscular disease, the brain controls the movements of skeletal (voluntary) muscles via specialised nerves. Today Kirrily has recovered from Chronic Fatigue, but still suffers from gastro problems and has to take medication for life to ease her suffering. Food she once couldn't tolerate is a thing of the past to a certain degree but her immune system is still up and down. Kirrily suffers from frequent flare ups of boils all over her body especially if she is stressed, they have then turned into major infections like Golden Staph. This has left her with deep tissue scars everywhere (as she told me thank god it didn't affect her face) her self confidence has been shattered because she is forever covering herself up in 40 degree heat to hide them.

I believe Kirrily's behavioural and other symptoms with Mercury poisioning, wouldn't you agree is excactly the same as a Autistic childs symtoms? There have been findings by the Dr looking after Jordan, that certain Autistic children here in Australia that he has treated and diagnosed with mercury poisioning, that not long after treatment their autistic behaviours and medical problems have somewhat disappeared, or their autisic behaviours have improved in a lot of areas like our son.

Here is food for thought. Here is some information I found researching:

By age two, American children have received 237 micrograms of mercury through vaccines alone, which far exceeds current EPA "safe" levels of .1 mcg/kg. per day. That's one-tenth of a microgram, not one microgram.
Day of birth: hepatitis B-12 mcg mercury
30 x safe level
At 4 months: DTaP and HiB on same day - 50 mcg mercury
60 x safe level
At 6 months: Hep B, Polio - 62.5 mcg mercury
78 x safe level
At 15 months the child receives another 50 mcg
The mercury in vaccines, however, is in the form of thimerosal, which is 50 times more toxic than plain old mercury.

Inquiry into vaccine safety is exploding like never before, even in the popular press. Research coming from dozens of mainstream medical studies can no longer be easily suppressed, as it has been in the past, especially with the prevalence of online information exchange.
These one-day blasts of mercury are called "bolus doses". Although they far exceed "safe" levels, there has never been any research conducted on the toxicity of such bolus doses of mercury given to infants all these years.
Historically, the toxicity of mercury has been known for more than a century. The Mad Hatter was more than a fantasy character from Alice in Wonderland. Mad Hatter's disease became well known in England in the mid-1800s, when hat-makers were subject to inhaling the vapors from the mercury-based stiffening compound they used on felt to make top hats.
Sources of Mercury
It is interesting to learn that common household remedies that were used up into the 1960s like mercurochrome and "teething powder" were often the cause of acute mercury poisoning and disease.
In the U.S., EPA mercury toxicity studies have involved contamination from fish, air, and other environmental sources.

Methylmercury has long been associated with serious neurological disorders, demyelinating diseases, gut disease, and visual damage.
The mercury in vaccines, however, is in the form of thimerosal, which is 50 times more toxic than plain old mercury.

There's no blood-brain barrier in infants.
Mercury accumulates in brain cells and nerves.
Infants don't produce bile, which is necessary to excrete mercury.
Mercury And Vaccines

Here's a curious "coincidence." In the late 1930s, Leo Kanner identified autism as a new type of mental disorder. So when was thimerosal introduced into vaccines?

The 1930s

Autism and mercury poisoning damage the: brain/nerve cells; eyes; immune system; gastrointestinal system; muscle control; and the speech center.
It is a new bowel pathology.
Dr Wakefield showed graphs of the U.S. and U.K. 10 years apart that were identical in tracing the skyrocketing incidence of autism just after the MMR vaccine was introduced.
He also showed how the incidence of measles had dropped over 85 percent on its own before the MMR was introduced.
One incredible study cited by Wakefield showed how 76 percent of children whose mothers were exposed to atypical measles became autistic after the MMR shot! He called this a "background susceptibility" or predisposition to autism.

Impressive findings, don't you think? I will leave it up to you after reading this blog page if you think this is why 1 in 100 children are now being diagnosed with Autism today.

Authorities say its due to the fact of better understanding and diagnoses, what a crock of crap I say! I wonder if they are vaccinating their new born children today? Only they know the truth in that matter.


Anonymous said...

Hi there,
Found your BLOG while looking for info on copper toxicity. My daughter is also Autistic and we just got her test back that shows high copper - what did you do to reduce the copper in Jordan?


Kiralea Powell said...

Hi Erin
I am so glad you found my blog.
I am sorry to hear about your daughter, I know the frustrations and hurdles that await our autistic children and parents.
Has she just been diagnosed?

Jordans high copper ratio was treated with Zinc. We tried the tablets but crushing them and getting Jordan to eat them in his brekky was a waste of time, so we tried the liquid called zinc drink made by metagenics. The Zinc balances out the copper ratio because his Dr found children with a high copper ratio have low levels of Zinc, this seems to somewhat chelate the copper out.

You will need to speak to a holistic paedtrician or similiar and they will work out the correct dosage for your daughter. I believe this treatment has to be closely monitored because you dont want to overdose your daughter.

Jordan had to have regular blood tests. It seemed to work for him, so i hope this will help your daughter somewhat and wish you the best. Kind regards Kiralea

Anonymous said...

I am interested in your findings. My question would be:

My daughter broke a mercury thermometer in her mouth at the age of 18 months - she bit down on it when I was holding it in her mouth. That was 12 years ago.
When this happened, I panicked, opened her mouth and saw the mercury on her gums and pooled on her back teeth. I call poision control and they said it wasn't very much mercury, so she would be fine. They weren't concerned at all! I took a tissue and tried to absorb the mercury like a sponge, in between her crying and pulling away from me. I got most of it absorbed on the tissue, but I still wonder if this is the cause from some of her social skills/concentration/central processing issues she has today. I've always said that there was something wrong as she has never been afraid of consequenses, ie. jumping off 15 foot walls even after I've told her not to at the age of 4...not able to feel comfortable in social circles, not able to make friends, doing her homework at 100%, but then forgetting to bring to school or remember to take it out and pass it in, therefore her grades are marked down for being late even though the teachers know she passed in A work... her inability to realize priorities - yet can read Harry Potter books in a day, and constantly reads books and can quote verbatim passages without hesitation....

How much mercury is allowable? What tests can I have the doctor do to see if she has mercury in her system?

I've had her latin teacher comment that my daughter does exhibit a small glimmer of autisim from observing her in class....and having battled with the school systems for testing, they say she's fine cause she does read well, and the medical environment seems equally disinterested in finding out anything that may cause them to have to refer her out to any specialist...

What would you do?

Kiralea Powell said...

Usually a specialist can organise a hair analysis and measure the levels that way. They can also test what vitamins and minerals etc they may be depleted of as well. Just push and push and keep asking to see a specialist. After all it is your choice. I hate Dr's who fob you off and tell you differently when you bloddy well know your child better than they do. This gets me so agro and makes me more determined to not let them undermine me. Jordan reads well too, but i still think the mercury your daughter injested could have still caused some damage to her overall behavioural and learning skills. It does not take much to do damage i believe. Any way i hope this helps and if you need to ever chat you can email me at
take care